Michał Konieczny24 cze3 minut(y) czytaniaMETAMORPHOSIS OF THE CUBE PRLAn extraordinary transformation of a traditional Polish modernist single-family "cube" building
Michał Konieczny20 cze1 minut(y) czytaniaBATHROOMThe concept of a unique bathroom. The atmosphere of this interior is conducive to regeneration and relaxation.
Michał Konieczny20 cze1 minut(y) czytaniaGLAMOUR LOFT BEDROOMA bedroom interior concept combining loft style and glamor. The raw rocky wall contrasts with the decorative one
Michał Konieczny19 cze2 minut(y) czytaniaHOUSE IN THE SUBURBSDesign of a new façade for a single-family building in the suburbs. The facility has undergone a huge visual transformation.
Michał Konieczny18 cze5 minut(y) czytaniaSMART HOUSEInterior design of a modern single-family house. The interiors are minimalist, modern and elegant with loft accents
Michał Konieczny18 cze1 minut(y) czytaniaARCHITECTURAL VISUALIZATIONArchitectural visualization of a single-family house in a modern style